not all cbd is created equal

Not all CBD is created equal.
This is why jumping on board with Green Compass was so important to me.
A CBD line I can trust & feel confident in.
🌱Organically grown.
🌱 NC farmed.
🌱 Co2 extraction (cleanest & most effective.
🌱 Farm-to-table integrated company. 🌱 Certificate of Analysis for every batch of CBD products (this is huge!)
skin care
It’s a Ritual. - And not just for self care Sunday.
Changing your routine and learning how to integrate a new skin care routine into your daily practice will most certainly change how you feel.
Focus on what you want your end result to be, take it one step at a time and you will reach your goal.
Consistency and routine will get you to where you want to be.
Want glowing + healthy skin?! Then you must be consistent!
I am here every.step.of.the.way to help you and give you the tools you need.